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Welcome to Fioled's Class page.

This year the class teacher is Miss Jefferies and Miss Brunt assists the teaching. We encourage our pupils to be active, curious, healthy, confident, principled and knowledgeable learners. This class is part of the dual language stream. Therefore, the pupils will be taught through the medium of English in the areas of mathematics and numeracy, science and technology, and half of the health and wellbeing and language and literacy will be through the medium of English. Humanities, expressive arts and the other half of health and wellbeing and language and literacy lessons will be in Welsh.

Monday: physical education (please come in your kit)

Monday: Llun Llawen (we encourage that the pupils bring waterproofs and wellies)

Snack: We ask kindly if you could provide your child with a bottle of water and a healthy snack.


This week Ffion and Fioled's class were down in the forest as part of 'Llun llawen'. Here are a few pictures of them learning, investigating and enjoying: