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Welsh Language Charter



The Welsh Language Charter is here to encourage children to use their Welsh more often within school and in wider social situations. The Welsh Government is responsible for leading the Charter and we are working to support it within the school and in our local community. 

 The Language Charter is an opportunity for everyone in the school community to play their part in promoting the use of Welsh; pupils, workforce, parents, governors and the wider community. 

You have already chosen a Welsh or dual language education for your child and understand the benefits of being able to speak more than one language. The best way to support this is to encourage and give your child opportunities to use their Welsh as often as possible. This can be by speaking Welsh, attending Welsh activities inside and outside school,  listening to Welsh music, watching Welsh-language television or using media such as apps through the medium of Welsh.  We as a school will be here to get you started and support you the best we can with this.  We hope that we can achieve the Bronze Award as a school in the near future!