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8.11.24 Welsh Charter Launch

Am 2:15 ar brynhawn Gwener 8.11.24 byddwn yn gwahodd rhieni ac asiantaethau / cwmniau lleol i ddd i lawnsiad swyddogol Y Siarter Iaith yn Ysgol Groes-wen.  Y Dreigiau, sef arweinwyr y Siarter o fewn yr ysgol, fydd yn eich croesawu gyda chyflwyniad byr, perfformiad gan blant yr ysgol a chyfle i fwynhau paned a phiciau ar y maen tra'n ymweld gyda'r stondinau. Pwrpas y prynhawn fydd codi statws y Siarter o fewn yr ysgol a dangos i'r rhieni beth sydd i'w gynnig o ran y Gymraeg o fewn a thu allan i'r ysgol.  

At 2:15 on Friday 8.11.24 we will be inviting parents and local agencies / companies to the official launch of The Language Charter at Ysgol Groes-wen.  The Dragons, who are the Charter leaders within the school, will welcome you with a short presentation, a performance by the school children and a chance to enjoy a cup of tea and welsh cake whilst visiting the stands. The purpose of the afternoon will be to raise the status of the Charter within the school and to show parents what the Welsh language has to offer within and outside the school.